
Payment and refund policy

Online Payment Policy

At Mister Alquiler, we care about providing you with a safe and reliable experience when making online payments. Below, we provide you with important information about our payment policies:

1. Identifying details of the owner: Mister Alquiler is owned by MISTER ALQUILER S.L.U. with Cif: B72627573, with address at Calle San Bartolomé 68 in CP 03560 El Campello, Alicante (Spain). You can contact us by email alquileres@misteralquiler.es and by telephone on +34 629 15 15 15.

2. Conditions of purchase: By booking one of our flats, you accept the following conditions of purchase: the reservation payment is equivalent to the reservation or purchase of the flat for the selected dates. We guarantee the availability and delivery of the flat in the conditions indicated in the reservation.

3. Payment conditions: To secure your reservation, we offer different online payment methods, including credit cards and bank transfers. All payments are processed securely through our payment platform.

4. Purchase and booking guarantee: At Mister Alquiler, we are committed to providing you with a satisfactory experience. If you have any problems with your booking or payment, please contact us and we will do our best to resolve them quickly and fairly.

Cancellation Policy

At Mister Alquiler, we have a strict cancellation policy. Please note the following:

1. Cancellation: Once a reservation for a rental or purchase has been made and payment has been made, no refunds or reimbursements will be made under any circumstances. This includes cancellations due to changes of plans, travel problems or any other reason.

2. Change of dates: If you wish to change the dates of your booking, you must contact us at least 30 days in advance. Subject to availability, we will do our best to accommodate your request for a change of dates.

3. Exceptions: Only in exceptional cases, such as force majeure or unforeseen circumstances beyond your control, will we consider rescheduling your booking. To request this, you must contact us as soon as possible.

Remember that the reservation is equivalent to the rental or purchase of the flat, and by making it, you are accepting the terms and conditions set out in our payment and cancellation policy.

Thank you for trusting Mister Alquiler! We are here to help you have an unforgettable experience in our flats. If you have any further questions or need assistance, please do not hesitate to contact us.

Purchase Guarantees

At Mister Alquiler, we want to give you total peace of mind when making reservations and payments on account of the deposit of our flats. Below, we show you our guarantees:

Prior visits: Before making any reservation or down payment, we offer you the opportunity to personally visit the flat in question. This will allow you to inspect the facilities and make sure that it meets your expectations.

2. Lease or Earnest Money Agreement: Upon making a reservation and payment on account, we will provide you with a lease or earnest money agreement, as appropriate. This contract will clearly state the terms and conditions of the transaction, giving you greater security and legal protection.

3. Performance Commitment: We undertake to honour the contract, thereby guaranteeing that the flat will be reserved for you during the agreed dates and that the necessary steps will be taken to ensure your satisfaction.

Conditions of Purchase

At Mister Alquiler, we want to make sure that every booking and payment on account is done properly. Below, we explain our conditions of purchase:

1. Visit to the property: Reservations and payments on account will not be accepted unless you have previously visited the property, either for a rental or purchase contract. This requirement is essential to ensure that you are fully informed about the characteristics and conditions of the property.

2. Signing the contract: Once you have visited the property and made the decision to proceed with the purchase, it will be necessary to sign a rental or purchase contract with earnest money. This contract guarantees the terms and conditions agreed between both parties.

3. Handover of the property: The handover of the property will take place through the signing of the rental contract or penitential deposit and the handing over of the keys. This ceremony can take place in our real estate office of Mister Alquiler or in the corresponding notary’s office to carry out the public act.

4. Refund policy: Due to the nature of the down payment of the penitential deposit, it is not possible to make refunds once payment has been made. Please make sure you are completely sure of your decision before proceeding with the booking and payment.

Shipping and Return Policy

At Mister Alquiler we specialise in the rental of properties and the sale of properties. Due to the nature of our services, we do not ship physical products, so a shipping or return policy in the traditional sense does not apply.

Payments received are exclusively for property rental or sales bookings. In the case of rental bookings, the payment is intended to guarantee the availability of the property for the dates indicated. In the case of sale and purchase reservations, it is considered a down payment to secure the intention to purchase.

It is therefore important to note that payments made are non-refundable and non-returnable, as they are intended to reserve the property or show the client’s commitment to purchase.

At Mister Alquiler, we strive to provide a transparent service and personalised advice to our clients at all times. If you have any questions or need clarification, please do not hesitate to contact us. We will be happy to help you.



C/ San Bartolomé nº 68 – Local 1

03560 – El Campello (Alicante)

tel. +34 629 15 15 15
